It's Friday! Not that it makes a difference for Austin and me- big time vacationers and beach pool bums... I'm not bragging. Today, I am participating in a blog "link up" hosted by Darci over at The Good Life blog, as well as April, Christina, and Natasha. Basically, you are just going to be reading a bunch of randomness from me every Friday, as I'm going to try to stick to this and participate weekly, we will see how that goes...
So let's do the thing.
All things 4th of July.
I am going grocery shopping crazy this weekend to prepare for Thursday's festivities. We've got some family coming all the way from Blue Ridge for the 4th, so we are pretty much going off the deep end over here. I'm not even ashamed to say that Austin now has 3 outfits, as well as a flag swimmy and flag jammies. Juan even bought a matching bathing suit, and Duke ordered himself a bandana. This family is ready to go. Last year for the 4th, Juan and I were in Texas with his family... we didn't do too much to celebrate, so I am incredibly excited to finally be back in the 4th of July groove.
Rye Bread.
Wait...what? Yeah, I know... Rye Bread. I can't get over it. Seriously, where has this been all my life? I just discovered this stuff at Peaches house and I could literally sit down and just eat the entire bag. Don't worry, I haven't, yet.
The new section of Magic Kingdom.
My favorite place in the world. Austin will definitely grow up a Disney babe. Juan and I are starting to plan our second annual Disney trip together this fall. This may just be our last time alone! Austin is still too young to enjoy the magic... if that's even possible... but next year he will certainly be there with us, basking in the wonder and bliss of this magical land.
Call us nerds... but we love sneaking around and collecting pins. Read all about Pin Trading here. Last fall, we must have collected a dozen beautiful pins, in return for our cheap, plain ones we bought at the gift shop. That's the trick- you have to go to one of the gift shops (pins are sold all around the park) and buy a pack of the cheap pins, and then trade for the beautiful (more expensive) pins that the Cast members have. And they have to trade with you. Boy, we run around that park collecting pins like it's our job. Try to tell me Austin won't have a great time running around, trading pins to add to our collection.
Magic Kingdom, November 2012
Austin's first (unofficial) Disney World trip
The new section of Magic Kingdom.
My favorite place in the world. Austin will definitely grow up a Disney babe. Juan and I are starting to plan our second annual Disney trip together this fall. This may just be our last time alone! Austin is still too young to enjoy the magic... if that's even possible... but next year he will certainly be there with us, basking in the wonder and bliss of this magical land.
Call us nerds... but we love sneaking around and collecting pins. Read all about Pin Trading here. Last fall, we must have collected a dozen beautiful pins, in return for our cheap, plain ones we bought at the gift shop. That's the trick- you have to go to one of the gift shops (pins are sold all around the park) and buy a pack of the cheap pins, and then trade for the beautiful (more expensive) pins that the Cast members have. And they have to trade with you. Boy, we run around that park collecting pins like it's our job. Try to tell me Austin won't have a great time running around, trading pins to add to our collection.
Magic Kingdom, November 2012
Austin's first (unofficial) Disney World trip
New Movie The Heat.
If someone told me that they didn't care for Sandra Bullock or Melissa McCarthy as an actress, or even both of them in the same movie, I would shoot my foot. These ladies are the epitome of a good comedy. I promised Juan I would wait until next week to see it with him- it's hard. It's really hard. My parents are going to see it tonight, and it's taking all of my will power not to tag along.
And lastly, Five.
My sleeping beauty. I treasure these naps. I love his baby booty in the air, his rosy cheeks, and little baby snores (oh please, baby, don't take after your grandmommy). No nap ninja has protested naps for the past few days. Long gone are his two long, daily naps. I am lucky if he naps for an hour these days. But, such is life. And such is having a babe who is totally thrown off of his normal routine being down here on vacation. But, if Austin is happy and can keep it together with only a little bit of sleep, then so can I! I hope.
Look at this water baby.
He says he would choose pool time over nap time any day.

I'm dying to see that movie too!! Hoping we can find a babysitter and make a date night out of it! :)
ReplyDeleteAnd your little guy with his booty in the air ----- ahhhhh! I miss those days!
Ill have to check the movie out! I can't wait to take my kiddos to Disney one day! Have a great weekend and happy 4th!!
ReplyDeleteI saw the pins last time I was there and wasn't sure what the craze was about... I'll read your post. I loved how they had Christmas decor up in November! I can't wait to be back there tomorrow! :) We are thinking of a Disney cruise or Disneyland (in CA) next summer!! :) BTW, I love the 4th of July, too! I have a huge folder on Pinterest pinned with goodies and crafts for it!
ReplyDeleteI love spending pool time with my grandson Austin!
Hey there! I just wanted to say thanks for the follow back on Bloglovin' ;o) Hope you had a wonderful weekend and have a great night!